Not Taking The Bait


Alanon and AA teach us to refocus on ourselves, our behaviors, our motivations and ask – ” What’s my part in this? ”  Instead of lambasting our loved ones, doing what hasn’t worked in the past, we get to use new tools to deal with our difficult situations. 

Instead of taking the bait and getting into fights we can pick up the phone and call our sponsor or someone else on our phone list and talk about us and how we’re feeling.  We can leave the house and go for a walk, say the Serenity Prayer, clean, read the Big Book or How Alanon Works, go to a meeting, meet a fellow Alanon or AA member for coffee.

When we keep our focus on ourselves, and off the alcoholic or the codependent we begin to grow.  We learn in increments about detachment, accountability for ourselves, respect and dignity for us and the other person, and we actually start to feel better because we are keeping our eyes on our own business.  In most cases, the alcoholic or codependent and their issues are not our business.  Other people in general are not our business.  They can handle their own challenges.  We needn’t run to anyone’s rescue.  We do need to take care of ourselves –  be responsible for paying our bills, getting to the doctor and dentist, cleaning our home, going to our job and doing it well, going to Alanon meetings, working with our sponsor on the 12 Steps, eating, sleeping and keeping ourselves fit to be of maximum service to God.  It’s simple.  Not always easy, but definitely simple.  It leads to sanity and serenity – progress.  And if we need help, we always have the support of other AA and Alanon members.

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Affirmation for the Day – ” I am willing to change.  I am willing to do new things.  I can do it.”

Remember to say the affirmation at least 3 times whenever you remember it, preferably in front of a mirror.

Course In Miracles Lesson – I want the peace of God

Practice – I want the peace of God.

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