More On Surrender and Feelings


I’m getting reminders of the power in surrender.  When we have courage and feel the feelings, painful though they may be, we allow ourselves to push through to the other side and we are stronger for it.

Douglas Bloch,in his book “Listening To Your InnerVoice,” says “You are like a diamond that is continually being polished and perfected. As this purification proceeds, old thought forms and negative patterns rise to the surface to be released. Past unfinished business must be completed. Old traumas that have been stored in the body ask to be discharged.”

This is so true for us all and a lovely way to see how the process works. We become more as God created us with each resurfacing of the past traumas and each polishing as we feel and push through the feelings. It can feel just awful, but it’s only temporary – “this too shall pass” – and then we are free of that layer and we can move forward unencumbered. It’s the only way to get to the other side, to push through the feelings. I’ve had my own to push through recently. In between feeling them, I did all sorts of decluttering – taking breaks to have some good cries. Otherwise, I was in much gratitude and positive. which seems to be in direct opposition to my other feelings, but there you have it. Guess I’ve been kind of like a bouncing ball of emotion lately. What I can appreciate is that the ball keeps moving and doesn’t stay stuck in the sadness or hurt for too long.  And that’s how it works – “One day at a time.”

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Affirmation for the Day – ” I feel my feelings and heal.”

Remember to say the affirmation at least 3 times whenever you remember it, preferably in front of a mirror.

Course In Miracles Lesson – All things are lessons God would have me learn.  Forgive and I will see this differently.

Practice – All things are lessons God would have me learn.  Forgive and you will see this differently.  I forgive and this will disappear.

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